Issue #69
Summer 2005

Thought Admiral logo
is the greatest club.  Not simply because it's the oldest or the biggest of its kind, although it's both.   KAG as it is today stands on the shoulders of some amazing people.  The outline of what we are was laid down sixteen years ago.  KAG has come through fire and storm... rebounding, resilient, and still true to that original vision.

We've expanded to embrace Xenos and Demonz and Elinters.....let's see a show of hands; how many remember hearing of the KAG Rangers?  Cycles of creation and destruction.  As times change, KAG adapts.  We survive and succeed.  KAG's Xeno Legion continues to give scope for ever more imaginative costuming.  Elint Fleet and Demon Knights gamers inhabit worlds of their own creation.

And leather-clad Klingon Warriors still continue to appear in unexpected places.  'Newbies' still get a thrill from their first time in uni (and their fellow Warriors still get a kick out of seeing and sharing that).  Long-timers still entertain with stories from the old days. New friendships are made, old ones renewed. Artisans still create amazing props using that most productive of time-frames......the last possible moment.

Stuff.........Col. Krikor is heading up a task force to review the Battlenotch award system.  Cmdr. J'rel Kor is in the process of building a 'KAG think tank' to come up with good ideas.  More on those next time.

Once in a blue moon a listing of KAG ships is published, and there's one in this issue.   It's a snapshot,  more or less accurate for...oh..probably a few days.  Ships come and go, change names, commanding officers, locations.  But here is KAG, in all it's glory.

KAG rolls onward, making memories under the naked stars.  They'll sing of our glory for generations...

for KAG

Thought Admiral Kerla epetai-MaHcha'
[email protected]
[email protected]

Carol Nye
628 Buckeye St.
Hamilton, OH 45011
