Issue #81
Holidays 2011

Thought Admiral Krikor
Krikor Throne
An interesting calendar fact: I was exactly two weeks old when Star Trek first aired back in 1966.  That means that both it and I are forty-five years old now.  I'd like to think we're both well-seasoned but still going strong.  And the same can be said for KAG.

For a couple of examples, go to the next page; I'll wait. Back?  You can see we have a couple of new command position appointments to announce.  "New" may be a bit of a misnomer, since both of these folks have been around for a while.

We have a new fleet commander out west, and he's been around longer than any of us: Kris epetai-Kurkura, the founder of KAG himself.  He's decided to step back into an active leadership role, specifically in the western states.  His article is, as usual, on The Last Page of this issue, so I won't steal his thunder by putting spoilers here (hint: there's a new fleet in town).

On another front, we have a new IXL Legate.  Again, it's someone who's been around for years: Keela (also known as 001 of Unimatrix 828).  She's led a quadrant before, but now it's time for her to lead a whole division.  And in the short time she's been doing it, she's done more to advance the cause of the Imperial Xeno Legion than I ever would have expected.

Not only that, but Keela has stepped up to take over as editor of this here newsletter as well.  Let me be the first to say how much her hard work is appreciated.  Qapla', Keela!

With the recent announcement of the date of the next Star Trek movie (May 2013) and the persistent rumours that it will feature Klingons, this may be the time for a resurgence of interest in Star Trek in general, and Klingons in particular.  Now is the time to get out there and recruit!  Forty-five is the new twenty-five!  Or something like that.

KAG Standard-Krikor
for KAG

78 Rhodes Avenue,
Toronto, Ontario, M4L 2Z9, Canada
(647) 439-6579
[email protected]
