Issue #81
Holidays 2011

Building a Good Image
(Part 2 of How To Get a Good Reputation in Fandom)

We recently went to a Convention in Chicago to help support the Klingon Christmas Carol (KCC), to have fun with the newish ship there, KAG's IKV Emperor's Hand and to hopefully socialize with "Brothers in Ridges" from the other Klingon organization there.

I have to say it was only a partial success. Commedia Beauregarde "gets" Klingon and does it well, as seen in their production. Marok and his mate made a strong impression in the Masquerade, winning the Novice category. Japa (author of the phrase "Brothers in Ridges") partied hardy, shared his wealth of Klingon knowledge with others and was a great ambassador for KAG.

But the Klingons of another mother were few and hard to see. One KAI member was there on Friday, not in costume, and no others appeared at what has been a major (albeit Literary SF) Chicago convention. There was some speculation as to why they weren't there, but that was vain since we couldn't know.

The KCC people sent us a note asking us to be good representatives and, of course, we were. They wanted Japa and I, who they didn't really know, to play nice with others, something we both know how to do. This brings me to the point. Whenever you put on your ridges, you aren't just being "Commander K'Runch" you are being all Klingons. If you are stupid or rude and offend people, all of Klindom suffers. When you are funny, helpful and playful, all of Klindom prospers.

Here is an example: I was in the consuite and needed to get by someone. I, of course, being from Minnesota, said "Excuse me" as I moved by in full Klingon.

The fellow was stunned, "A Klingon saying 'Excuse me?' "

"Yes, you are right," I replied, "I should have said, 'Excuse me OR DIE!!!!' " and we both laughed. Then while partying, I tried to be fun for others and to overplay for effect the Klingon WARRRIORRRRR! Much fun was had.

While most of the non-KAG Chicago Klingons missed this Convention and this opportunity to play with others, KAG left a good impression with people that were indifferent or disapproving to Klingons.

KAG Quartermaster
Klingon Assault Group
