Back on Jan. 23rd, the Global Fleet conducted their monthly meeting on ZOOM. The reason for using that medium was that J.G. Hertzler (Chancellor Martok) was invited by former fleet commander Paul Carreau to visit and talk with the members of the fleet.
In attendance this day was Paul in Canada, Australia, Sweden, France, Israel, Germany, Finland, Russia, Iceland, Slovenia and, of course, our Supreme Commander, Thought Admiral qurgh.
We had the pleasure of J. G.’s presence for about an hour. But, due to a small glitch, recorded time was a bit over 40 minutes. But, trust me, the time was well spent. J.G. spoke with these officers as if we were all in a pub in The First City. He was very engaging and had us all laughing for most of the time.
From talking about his first stage appearance to doting on an Aussie cat named “Martok”. He then shared with us that his book, “Confessions of a Klingon Linebacker” was in final editing for Summer ’22 release. He stated that since he had his first child at age 50, his daughter does not know much about him before he was father to her. And letting us know of his time growing up as the son of a U.S. Air Force airman, he travelled widely and attended at least 5 schools growing up.
Mr. Hertzler then spoke about his desire to travel to Moscow, Odessa and trying to get back to Adelaide, Australia, where he had a most memorable time “down under”. As travelling around with Bob O’Reilley and Tim Russ on the con circuits and musically entertaining the fans, they kind of let that go because more Trek stars were trying to do the same thing and, as J.G. admitted, were a bit better.
Talk then drifted to the elephant in the room-COVID. Even though him and his loved one were fully vaxxed and boosted, him and Michelle still contracted the virus, but only in a moderate way and fully recovered. Paul then brought up that back in the 90s at a con in Canada, J.G. did drink from “The Throne of Kahless”, (a gold-painted toilet) and he should have been fully immunized.
After talking about how he would love to get back on the con circuit, and that he was going to be in England and Germany soon, Jennifer Fry (Australia) volunteered that any one of us would be happy to host J.G. in our house. He then countered that in about 5-6 months, he should have a party were we all were invited to stay and camp at his up-state New York farm and have a good old Klingon time. As long as we bring enough beer……..
He also offered how France can get a bigger Klingon population, since they did not have Trek on ANY French streaming services. Mention of stale baguttes as weapons was brought up. And, he was very impressed by the ongoing efforts of Hovbe in Germany and how long she has been representing KAG. J.G. also had imperssive words for Isreal, even going so far as to state that Israel is a nation of fighters-of Klingons!!!
We then sang a round of “Sons of Kahless” (badly) and concluded our meeting with thanking him profusely and impressed upon him that he is always welcome.
On this day of glory, Global Fleet will not soon forget. Truely, a “you had to be there” hour of honor.
This ends my report.
Faithfully Submitted,
Capt. qorDan sutai-QanaSon/CO-Global Fleet
Totally well-written article. Made me feel I was there. JG is always an excellent guest and we hear stories we’ve not heard before.
👍👍👍👍thank you
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