What is KAG?
The KLINGON ASSAULT GROUP is an international, not-for-profit STAR TREK fan organization that primarily focuses on the Klingons, their Empire, language, and culture, but also includes other aliens who are willing to serve KAG. We explore the Klingon way of life through costuming, role-playing, prop building, writing, learning, and more. There are NO DUES here, and our growth is based on the communication and cooperation of individual members.

Klingon uniforms are not required to be a member of KAG, but to become an Officer, and advance further within our ranks, in-character attire will be necessary. Further promotions are based solely on merit and level of involvement within the club. The more you put into helping expand and coordinate KAG, the more KAG will recognize that effort.
KAG is made up of Ships; local groups of members who have banded together to share resources and work. They undertake a number of activities, including “invading” location conventions, partaking in blood drives, and responding to club challenges.

After you join KAG, if you live in an area with an active ship, you’ll be contacted by its Commanding Officer who will help you take your first steps into Klingon Fandom.
Ships are grouped together into Fleets which cover a specific geographical area of the planet. Most levels of KAG have Commanding Officers, these are members who have taken on extra responsibilities within the organization, ranging from administrative to leadership positions.
If you live in an area without an active ship, you’ll be contacted by a Commanding Officer who will help connect you with other Klingons online or in your area. You’ll also have a great opportunity, if you have the drive, determination, and organizational skills, you can construct your own ship. You just need to recruit two or three more local active members to begin the process.

Our website contains all the information needed to create Klingon outfits, learn the language, explore our culture, and share with other members. We also have many online tools to help even the most distant outpost feel like part of the community.