AER: Northern Ontario Expo

Stardate: 201504.25-26
Award: battle notch
Strategy mark: Maj’vIq
tlharnoQ’s Log: It has been a glorious three days!  On Friday we arrived at the site of the coming battle disguised as locals to perform reconnaissance and set up our base of operations.  For the past several weeks I had been in contact with the organizers of the Northern Ontario Expo, arranging for our participation in their operation.  Maj’vIq had coordinated with the leaders of Wounded Warriors Canada to arrange a fundraiser for their Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Service Dog Program.  Both Maj’vIq and O’C’tav made extensive preparations for this event, building weapons and planning our base of operations, creating banners, and heralding our arrival within the community with propaganda on their social media and in their newspapers.  It should also be noted that this was O’C’Tav’s first event in uniform.  Finally, the moment of our open emergence into Timmins was at hand!
The following morning, the humans began to arrive.  As expected, many were intimidated by the presence of Klingon warriors and shied away from our base of operations.  In time, however, their warrior spirit began to draw some of them in.  Many wished to be seen alongside our mighty crew and donned a set of artificial ridges we had created for those suffering from the Augment virus.  Once they appeared as true warriors, they selected a weapon from our arsenal and we helped them learn to wield it.  Typical humans, many were timid or giddy even with the ridges, but we showed them how to snarl and roar as Klingons!
The on stage costume contest commenced at 1200 hours.  At last!  Battle was upon us!  Our 3 Klingon warriors faced the 22 other contestants with honour, and emerged victorious.  Maj’vIq was presented with an award for Most Enthusiasm, while I received the award for Best Craftsmanship.  The only entrant to best me in the overall category was a mighty warrior who wore a suit of mechanized battle armour.  I wasted no time in securing his loyalty for the Empire.  We await his enrollment in the Klingon Assault Group eagerly!
Sunday came in much the same way.  By this time, the humans had begun to spread the word of our arrival, and many flocked to see the mighty warriors of the CRIMSON DAWN and learn the Way of the Warrior!  We used this opportunity to build connections with those forces present including the 501st Canadian Garrison of the Galactic Empire, PrettyWreck Cosplay of London, the team representing Captain Canuck Inc., including Kris Holden-Reid, the voice of Captain Canuck (who wore the ridges we provided to him and snarled like he was born to it) as well as many of the other vendors present.  We also gave an interview to the Rusted Robot Podcast, the hosts of which have indicated an interest in joining our crew.  We also offered our support to the organizers of the event for activities connected to the upcoming 50th Anniversary of Star Trek.
That afternoon we conducted a draw for a crocheted set of ridges, made by the owner of the local comic and collectables store, Jump City.  We are proud to continue to build our relationship with Jump City, who has from the time of our arrival supported the activities of the Empire in the region.
In addition to our main operations, we periodically sent out scouting parties into the Timmins and Area Sportsman Show, which was going on simultaneously in the lower levels of the complex.  The humans there were surprised, yet intrigued by the presence of Klingon warriors, and we answered a great number of questions on these missions.  At one point I encountered a mechanized saurian creature patrolling near the Science Timmins Booth.  The beast had the gall to roar at me, but it was silenced when I answered in kind.
It was a flawless operation!  We look forward to further opportunities to bring this region into the service of the Empire!
tlharnoQ’s Log, supplemental: We have received word from the organizers of the Northern Ontario Expo that the human population is proving open, even welcoming to further Klingon presence.  It would seem that our conquest of the North is inevitable!
Krikor’s Log, supplemental: All officers attending this event receive a battle notch.  This was the first event in uniform for O’C’tav, who will therefore hereby be known as Second Lieutenant O’C’tav tai-Drah’k’a, and for earning his first battle notch is recognized as a Warrior.  Maj’vIq gets the strategy mark for organizing KAG’s participation in this event; with his first Strategy Mark, he is now recognized as a Tactician.  Qapla’ to these warriors, and to the IKV Crimson Dawn for an outstanding event!
tlharnoQ (Karen Fenton Hutchison)
Maj’vIq (Peter J Hutchison)
O’C’tav (Pierre Ouellette)
Log ends.

