On Thursday, September 28, IXL Captain Vynni vestai-sh’Chavar, IXL Lt. Thian tai-th’Chavar, IXL Lt. Lissan tai-sh’Zahar, and myself departed from Boston for our annual adventure to Dragon Con in Atlanta, GA.
On Saturday, the four of us gathered with KAG warriors to participate in the Dragon Con parade, and carried the KAG banner once again. Halfway through, we were joined by Tholan Avadi; though he was in Starfleet garb, we tolerated his presence because he is Andorian. We intended to participate in the Star Trek photoshoot after, but found the hot Atlanta weather wholly unsuitable for our kind.

Sunday was Miss Star Trek Universe, which Lissan participated in once again. She wore a new dress she’d made and performed a song to the tune of “Let it Go” with original lyrics. Though she did not win, we commend her bravery and talent. The crown went to Mother Horta; there were many fine alien contestants. Check out the rest of our pageant photos here!
All in all, it was another great Dragon Con. Qapla’!
IXL Captain Thellizhír vestai-ch’Lethlaen
Glorious.. I hope to meet you all in 2016.. When House VamPyr will invade DC..
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