In November, I received a communication from Star Wars author Ryder Windham inviting us to participate in the Star Wars vs. Star Trek themed Galaxy Blood Drive. This event was originally started by the 501st Legion Cloud City Garrison in Portland, Oregon; this year, Ryder put together one at the Rhode Island Blood Center in Providence, RI.
After some transmissions back and forth, he even put together a flyer with some of our crew to promote the event:
On December 28th, Lissan, Thian and I headed down and suited up. Members of the 501st New England Garrison, Alderaan Base, and Firaxan Clan were attendance. It was a great experience to meet warriors both Rebel and Imperial–predictably, those representing the Trek universe were heavily outnumbered. Not even a Feddie in sight, though a couple of brave souls donned Starfleet uniforms to help even the odds.
Of course, we had to get this photo:

Lissan and I had the pleasure of speaking with donors, taking their votes for Star Wars vs. Star Trek, and offering them stickers and toys. The final numbers were 33 for Star Wars, 18 for Star Trek.
Here is a photo of all costumers in attendance:

Overall, it was a great event and next year’s is already in the works. We need many more warriors to cross enemy lines and participate in these events! Ryder writes:
“Dear friends,
My New Year’s resolution: The next Galaxy Blood Drive will be an international event, and will collect at least 500 pints of blood that will help save up to 1,500 lives.
But I can’t do it alone. Fortunately, I have Mandalorian and Andorian allies. Also scores of stormtroopers, clone troopers, Jedi, Sith Lords, and droids.
Please mark your calendars for the next Galaxy Blood Drive, which is scheduled for Saturday, December 27, 2014. Because that’s when Cloud City Garrison has slated their annual event, and I enjoy stealing their ideas.
– Ryder Windham
Honorary member of the 501st Legion, O+ Blood Donor, Author of various Star Wars books”

After returning home and picking up Vynni, we all headed to one of our favorite establishments, the Flying Saucer Pizza Company in Salem, to meet with Q’alara of the IKV logh veng, who was visiting the Wild Frontier Quadrant for the holidays. We ate great quantities of delicious pizza in the presence of a life-sized Locutus of Borg:

It was a most eventful day, and I am grateful to have such a worthy crew.