Arisia 2020 (January 17-20 at the Westin Boston Waterfront) was the first convention the XLV Korelath attended in some time. It was a welcome change of pace from our increasingly busy lives and a chance to connect with fellow Klingons from across the Wild Frontier Quadrant—and hopefully snag a few recruits along the way.
Friday afternoon was a whirlwind of last-minute preparation, including picking up shiny new cards and brochures to promote KAG and the Wild Frontier Quadrant. (Shoutout to The Happy Frog Copy Center for their always-stellar work.) We arrived at the Westin and set up our fan table, and home base for the weekend, next to our neighbors at Starfleet (Region 15). Later that evening, we attended a shadowcast of the Rocky Horror Picture Show by the Teseracte Players.
On Saturday, we spent some time manning our table and exploring the con. That evening, we attended the Post Meridian Radio Players’ gender-swapped performance of the TOS episode By Any Other Name.

Sunday was another low-key day. Later, Vynni and I got into uniform to prepare for our Quadrant Meeting. At 6:30PM we met in the Con Suite with members of the IKV Shadow’s Edge and IKV Lisbon Falls. Using Facebook Live, we were also able to have members of the IKV Lone Wolf, IKV Dark Eagle, and IKV Da’Nal in attendance remotely. We discussed improving communication in the Quadrant, ideas to drive recruitment, and plans for the upcoming year.

After a Sunday night worthy of song, Monday morning came quickly. We ate a good breakfast and reflected on the camaraderie of the past weekend. I am happy to report that the KAG contingent at Arisia was most successful.

Thank you to K’Tyr of the Shadow’s Edge for taking these photos!
IXL Major Thellizhír vestai-ch’Lethlaen
Quadrant Commander, Wild Frontier Quadrant
IXL Tribune, Dark Moon Fleet
Commanding Officer, XLV Korelath

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