Mindscanner #55 
>The Wild Frontier Quadrant<
by Paul Fest <k'[email protected]>
Greetings Fellow Klingons! Things are going well here in the Wild Frontier Quadrant. Work is proceeding well with the Quadrant resource manual, as well as the new membership flyer, and membership kit. Prototypes have been shown to different chapters, and they have been received well. With a little more time and work they should be polished off, and ready to be used by the chapters of the Quadrant.

On a different note, several ships in the Quadrant gathered in Nashua NH for a Quadrant meeting on May 15th. The meeting was hosted by the IKV Granite Dagger, and was held at the home of their CO LtCmdr. Kordon vestai-Dok'Marr. There were representatives from the Shadow Hawk, The Sword of Shadows, the Shadow's Edge, and of course the Granite Dagger. It was a great day! We ate, gave out awards, and talked about the future. The Granite Dagger even made some wooden Bat'leth's for everyone. It was Glorious!! I'd like to take a moment to thank LtCmdr. Kordon and the crew of the Granite Dagger for hosting this event, and I'd like to thank all of the ships of the quadrant for their support. It is an Honor, and a Blast to work with you all.

That's all for now. Until next time, Qapla'!!

Cmdr K'Tyr sutai-DraK'N
CO, IKV Shadow's Edge
QC, Wild Frontier Quadrant KAG