KAG Australia had its first official away mission on April 24th-
26th,1999. The First bi-annual Kamp Praxis was held in the steamy jungle
of Mt Tambourine. Much preparation went into the planning and things went
off without a hitch...well only one or two.
Some brave warriors (Dehgems, Kr'gahN, veqtaH, Dax and Morf) headed up to Mt. Tambourine on the Friday to secure the site. Morf fell in the creek, so the weekend was off to a good start for the K'lutz Klub. On Saturday the rest of the SunDragon Fleet arrived. B'Etor finally arrived around 3:30 with the food. Dinner was promptly started as the Warriors sat around and relaxed in the quiet rainforest setting. Things were set up for dinner, with B'Etor saying every 15 min.."It'll be about another 1/2 hour"... We were informed that a couple were to perform the Klingon Wedding Ceremony, so Warriors went off to get dressed in their finest battle dress.
As dark descended on the campsite (thank god) the Humans started (and startled) began to gather around and gawk at the strange creatures. Despite out best efforts to scare them away, some even joined in the nuptials of Kr'gahN and Ke'lehyr. With sticks at the ready, B'Leth performed the ceremony with honour (and she got it all right), and "You may now beat up the Groom " was called. Keh looked splendid in Black and gold, her ridges shining in the Firelight. Krggy, in his fur trimmed tunic, acted like a true warrior and took his punishment.
The feast was ready and we all sat down to dinner of roast chicken, turkey, ham and vegies cooked over the bbq's. (3 chooks hadn't cooked properly so we left them to cook). After dinner, we decided to have a sing-along, being treated to such classics as the 15 days of Kr'istmas. (5 snarling Targs!!!???) We retired to the firepit, and the Bloodwine (and a few other exotic beverages) were passed around. Some Warriors retired to bed, with the majority staying to warm their toes.
At about 1:30 am , Dax was heard to say, "B'Etor , what ever happened to those chickens?" She has never moved so fast in her life!! As it turned out, they were done to perfection and we all had a late night snack.
To the
warrior cry of "SUN'S AWAKE!", we slowly emerged from our tents the next
morning to yet another perfect day. After a communal breakfast, everyone
got ready for the day's game of Skirmish. It was WAR!! Water balloons,
water cannons that would make Arnie jealous, more camouflage than the army
(even our youngest at 5 months)!
Kr'gahN's team won the first 2 games , the 2nd with Kr'gahN walking down the road whistling!! Dehgems team won the final game , with HONOUR!!, and as all weapons were emptied (over each other) we headed back to base for a well deserved lunch. The afternoon was a quiet affair, with most sitting round catching up on gossip/sleep. As the MEN went to collect fire wood for the evening, the Warrior Women made some sense of the messy campsite and things were set up for dinner.
The official KAG Australia award, the Phoenix, was awarded to new appointed Lt. Commander Qorgh, by Belos and B'Etor. The Order of the Dragon Star, our bi-annual group award was awarded to the Klingon Warrior Academy for it's ingenuity and unique concept. Krud was presented with "The biggest Vegemite knife ever" in celebration of reaching his 32nd year. The Warriors headed off to bed at a decent hour, much to the relief of the other campers.
The next morning, despite an early start by most, we slowly began to
pack up at about 10am. Cries of "We have to do this again this year!" were
heard and we decided that September would be fun. Hope to see you there!
Lt. Cmdr. B'Etor vestai-Chang K'han Ice (KAD)
Chief Engineer, Sundragon Institute of Engineers
SunDragon Fleet, KAG Australia