Greetings, to all Klingons, and in particular those of
the Kristak Quadrant! I'm not much of a talker, so I'll try to keep
this short. I'm announcing my acceptance of one of the Executive
Officer positions of the Kristak Quadrant, in what I believe (correct me
if I'm wrong) to be the
unprecedented and innovative idea of posting two XO's to manage a single
quadrant, under the honorable Kanuchi (was that a run-on sentence or what?).
In support of Kanuchi's goal of fostering and enhancing
quadrant communications, I'm sending out a call to all CO's and XO's of
the Kristak, as well as any of you others in the Kristak or otherwise that
would like to speak to me, to forward to me your e-mail addresses!
I'd love to hear from you.and my address is Do you
ICQ? You can find me at 1133512. AOL Instant Messenger?
TunaBomber is my screen name.
What?! You don't have net access?! That's
ok, I actually own a telephone too, and that's (760) 439-5698...don't worry,
it won't be tied up with my Internet addiction! And for all of you
snail-mailers out there, my address is:
Sam Dix
2028 Via Esmarca #4
Oceanside, CA 92054
I'll answer each and every message you send, by whatever means you want
me to answer it, except for smoke-signals, as open fires do nothing good
for my living room.
Now, as to my plans, I'd like to offer a quadrant-wide
listserv for the discussion of quadrant issues, announcements, brags, dares,
reports and whatever!
Also, as a Marine, and possibly the ranking one in this
quadrant (I desparately need crew rosters so I can tell if I know what
I'm talking about), I'd like to make the call for a Marine recruitment
drive! The Marines can be your ships movers and shakers, your frontline
forces, and a great first impression for all those with whom you work.
This is in
development, and more will be coming out about this, but I'd like to
hear about this from you, the troops of the Kristak, so any ideas, recommendations,
death threats, letterbombs, etc....send 'em to me!
And finally, I'd like to pay a visit to all of the ships
on the California side of the Kristak! Wanna see me (it's not a pretty
picture...)? Talk to me, and we'll arrange it! I plan to do
one per month, and weekends work best for me. And for those in Nevada
and Arizona, I may endeavor to
see you too, but that will require some planning. I'll
see some of you guys soon!
That's all I have, so talk to you all soon!
Major K'Len vestai-Lasshar
XO (1 of 2) Kristak Quadrant, ROFF
Force Leader, IKV Stranglehold