by Joel 'Twisty' Nye <>

KAG is the hotbed of innovation in fandom! Our dramas and publications and activities are the envy of other clubs.  Our membership holds the lion's share of talent that will produce.  Our teams expand into the uncharted waters of borderspace, testing and developing the most innovative ways to express the indomitable Klingon heart.

There are countless teams within KAG that add to its glory and progressive development.  Just a scant few include ships like the IKV Stranglehold and the IKV Rakehell, whose dramas and activities push the envelope, the numerous duties and glories of the KAG Marines across the world, our delightful friends in the frontiers of Australia, our online warriors such as Seq'dogh, K'Mel, Martek, Kordite, Kestrel, SajQa', not to mention the KAG Australia Engineering Corps... there are just too many to enumerate.

Pioneering... THIS is were real Leadership is shown.  It's not about putting the spotlight on self, but on the teams and family of KAG.  I am very proud of this club I am part of.  Pioneering merits our every support and praise, and our participation wherever humanly possible.  It is this camaraderie that makes our club the best!

We can never have enough Pioneers.  The beauty of Pioneering is that innovation is shared among peers... none excludes the other for there is just too much territory yet to be charted!

 - KwISt