Klag to be Guest of Honor at Galacticon |
Klag - Emperor of, and advisor to, The Empire, is to be KAG's Guest
of Honor at Galacticon 2002. During KAG's formulative years, he was
Admiral Klag zantai-Kurkura - 'Hammer of God' to Thought-Admiral Kris
epetai-Kurkura. While others 'played' Klingon, he WAS Klingon - which
earned him the well-deserved title of "Klag The Tyrant".
Throughout his years in KAG he held the offices of Commander of KAG Quartermasters, Central Fleet Commander, Xeno-Legion Commander, Sixth Fleet Commander (areas outside of the U.S. and Canada), Ship Commander of the- I.K.V. Reign of Terror, and KAG Deputy Commander. Many of his innovations, such as the KAG insignia, are still in use today.
He is retired from active Fandom. His current avocation is
paleontology, in particular the study of coprolites (fossilized feces)
and other paleo-waste products. As Klag says: "It ain't the same 'old
crap' as Fandom." When asked to be KAG's Guest of Honor at the coming Convention, he replied:
I am honored to be considered worthy of the invitation to be KAG's Guest of Honor for the 2002 Galacticon. I proudly accept, with the following provisions:
1. The rule against "Live Steel" is to be strictly enforced.
2. Rotting fruit and vegetables must be banned from the convention site.
3. All current and past members of KAG from the Kanadian Provinces are to be electronically scanned for explosive devices.
4. All "Olde KAG" catch phrases - such as "Yippee Skippee", "fast-track to promotion", "because I'm your Superior", "go for glory", etc. - are to be eliminated from the weekend's lexicon. I do, however, still enjoy and use "bite me" - and it IS permitted.
5. I will personally choke anyone singing "Torchy The Bear"!
With this understanding, I believe we have a deal.
Wo'vaD Hoch, Emperor Klag -
Retired Fanboy, and World's Leading Expert in Avocational Paleocoprology