Issue #66
Autumn 2003

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From the Dark Phoenix Qandrant, Dark Moon Fleet


This time of year usually finds us busy. This year was no excption. Galacticin was a most njoyable event, and well received by many who attended. Summer Sci-fi Con was also a major event for many ships withing the Atlanta area.

Of course, they help to prepare us for the biggest convention of the year for many of us, Dragon*Con. Many braves warrios endured the hot and humid tempretures and rain for their annual pilgramage.

The 2nd annual D*C parade was a hit, with many enjoying the proud line of klingons on motorcycles, and caravans. Much approcal was shown by the crowds. General Martok graced us with his presence once again. The roar of the crowds over the engines let us know that our klingon conquest had been successful.

An awards ceremony was held and several people and ships recevied well seserved recognitions. Some of the awards given out were:

Dark Moon Fleet Ship Banner
Quadrant Ship Banners
Klingon of the Year Award
And the launching of a new ship.
And many promotions.

It was most glorious. Qapla' to all the many other warriors and their achievements.

The Quadrant now takes a well deserved break, before going up gainst our next challenge, the "Toys for Tots" drive, that we engage with the local Marine Forces. It is a most wonderful battle, to help others less fortunate.

May the other Quadrants experience the joys of their battles.

For the Glory of the Empire!
Cmdr SajQa' sutai-Fenix
Dark Phoenix Quadrant Commander

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