Issue #67
Spring 2004



Dread Pirate KrikorKAG has always rewarded members who participate in events; this is the foundation of the Battle Notch system.  But what about those who actually make the events happen?  Someone has to reserve the club table, arrange for the KAG panel, convince the charity that we are not a bunch of hooligans, and all the other organizational details that go into planning an event.  Surely all this work deserves recognition.

With this in mind, the Crimson Knight Fleet has been giving out a new award since January of last year: the Strategy Mark.  The Strategy Mark is an extension of the existing Battle Notch system.  For every Battle Notch event (or Kill Stripe event, for that matter), the person who made it all happen is awarded a Strategy Mark.

The awarding of the Strategy Mark is up to the Fleet Commander to adjudicate.  In cases where numerous people worked together on an event, the Fleet Commander decides which person (or, rarely, persons) is the driving force behind it.  In the case of impromptu events ("Hey, guys, let's throw on our costumes and go down to McDonalds and freak out the mundanes!"), the Fleet Commander may choose not to award any Strategy Mark at all.

As with Battle Notches, the Fleet Commander may choose to delegate the awarding of the Strategy Mark to more local Command members (Quadrant Commanders, for example).

The award itself is a chevron shape in metallic silver vinyl, with a velcro backing.  Several of these can be stacked onto a velcro patch on the sash.  It ends up looking something like the sash decorations from TOS.  Since the patches are big enough to fit five Marks, members get special recognition each time they fill a patch and have to add a new one.  If someone organizes so many events that overcrowding becomes a problem on their sash, we may have to come up with a way to represent multiple Marks in a small area.  I'm looking  forward to the day when we have this problem in my fleet.

I would love to see the Strategy Mark system adopted  by other fleets, perhaps even KAG-wide.  For now, I am enjoying giving it out in my fleet, to recognize the efforts of the officers under my command.

L Lt.Col. Krikor sutai-jechwI'
(Krikor Ajemian)  <[email protected]>
Crimson Knight Fleet Commander, KAG
