Frontier Quadrant
Have Star Trek fans taken the time to
muse over such
things as which Star Trek species would throw the best dinner parties?
I may well have the answer for you right now: the Klingons!
What dinner party would be complete
without food,
song, and drink? The best parties I remember during my life featured a
little bit of each. One Christmas I'll always remember had me at my
friend's house until 3 am that night singing Christmas carols, eating
and having a little bit of wine earlier in the evening. Laughter
resounded through the house as we ate, sang, and laughed.
I often note the somber expression of
the Federation
starships' mess halls as compared to the Klingon battle cruiser's
mess halls. The battle cruiser's mess hall is full of laughter, light
teasing, food, singing and drink. Now, if you were invited to a dinner
party aboard either ship, which one would YOU accept? I know I would
accept the invitation to enjoy a party aboard the Klingon ship.
News from around the
The IKV Shadow's Edge has been active
in a new and
exciting adventure called geocaching. It is a fun adventure and a way
to challenge those navigational skills!
Camp Khitomer's website has been
The IKV Astris is continuing to donate
magazines for the Veterans' Hospital in Leeds, Massachusetts.
The IKV Peerless has been increasing
their recruitment efforts.
Plans for November's United Fan Con
are underway. These plans involve all of the WFQ's ships.
Lt. Qat'Iy vestai-K'olSoh'hn
[email protected]