Issue #71
Summer 2006


Cold Terror Fleet

Qob in SpaceIf you remember what I wrote last Mindscanner (and why should you, I wrote it and I had to look it up!) I wrote: We need to encourage folks to get to them, whether they are in Minneapolis, Chicago, Kansas City, Dallas, Dover, Atlanta, San Diego, Denver or points in between. The Convention is our lifeblood, almost our point of being. When we lose sight of that and concentrate on more private fan activity, we cut ourselves off from new possibilities and new people. I learned that again at Maquis Gras where I spent time with several new KAGsters who were attending their first con as Klingons. I am sure they experienced new fun and are
beginning to understand just what makes Klindom so vital to us "old warriors."

Well the signal is GO! Now is the time to strike! Invade shock and awe all of our traditional adversaries, and make new ones!

Up In the Cold Death Quadrant we have struck the first blow. At CONvergence the noble ships of the Iowa sector, Commander Japa and the Black Thunder, GaraghQ of the Ice Dagger and Lord and Lady Kheyl and Khidri of the Phantom Cat along with all of their crews made the cry "Iowa!" no longer a curse but a cry of Glory! With Chancellors Martok and Gowron present and presiding, the ships of the Klingon Assault Group dominated the convention. The two leaders presided over a marvelous Klingon wedding

KDitzyMary Bertelson Then came the awards and promotion to worthy Klingons. Accepting for the Klingon Assault Group, Zaheer of the RakeHell and garaghQ of the Ice Dagger were promoted to Lt. Commander. And then Martok and Gowron handed out special awards: Qe'pa and Morduck of the RakeHell where recognized for their fine work and given the honor of the 'Order of the Batleth' by Gowron. Japa of the Black Thunder was inducted into House Martok, and K'hrtas of the RakeHell (AKA K'Ditzy...Mary Bertleson) as a seminal figure in Midwest Klingon fandom was given the honor of Da'har Master.

In other Fleet news I wish to announce that JubChal, noted warrior and leader from the southern coast of the fleet has agreed to be my Fleet Executive Officer. JubChal right now is having some vision problems, so your good will should be sent his way. At this point, we don't expect or require him to do too much until he is comfortably healthy, but still--Kai JubChal!

- Admiral Qob zantai-Hurric
Commanding Officer, Cold Terror Fleet
