Iron Heart is the flagship of the Gateway Squadron and the ship
was holds the honor of being lead by the Quadrant Commander of
the Cold Blood Fleet Cmdr. Romatha Sutai-Who.The Ship is unique
for it's ability to traverse the corridors of time and the lanes
of space to bring glory to the empire.
During it's layovers on Qo'nos, The Iron Heart serves
the Empire by holding hostages and forcing them to buy useless
trinkets and items of somewhat value in order to help young
Klingon's learn about the Empires glory of space conquest.
The Iron Heart referrers to the metro area of Saint Louis as
home base and the states of Missouri and Illinois as there
realm. We welcome warriors to our ranks who are homeless and
houseless. Join us in our endeavors as we conquer every
convention we attend and silence our Star Fleet enemies. Glory
to the Empire.

Commander Cold Blood Fleet
RoMatha Sutai Who
The Iron Heart
The Iron Heart of KAG on Facebook